Introduction of the children
Name: |
Birthday |
2012/02/07 |
Gender: |
female |
Age: |
12 |
She did not show her smile when she first came to Ban Rom Sai, but now we are relieved to see her laugh and chat with her brothers and sisters. She loves dancing and she entertains us with her funny, cute and sometimes frenzy(?) dance. She is also good at making postures for snapshots. |
Name: |
Birthday |
2013/01/14 |
Gender: |
female |
Age: |
12 |
She had been repeatedly hospitalized when she first came to Ban Rom Sai. She never cried at the hospital, but we all know how hard the experience was for her. She is now fine, and have started to attend the kindergarten. |
Name: |
Birthday |
2012/02/03 |
Gender: |
female |
Age: |
12 |
Tengmoo means "watermelon" in Thai. She loves to chat and often spotted trying to play a little trick on someone, while she is also smart enough to observe the adults. She is the sister of Tengkwaa. |
* Please note that not all profiles have photographs due privacy issues